Learning to play an instrument in group is a fantastic way to have fun, meet new friends and develop a new skill. The ukulele is a great instrument for exploring your musical potential. With a few basic chords and rhythms, you will be able to learn many popular songs and play along with fellow enthusiasts at pub jams and other events, or for your own entertainment.
The You Ukes Series of Beginners Ukulele Workshops are designed to introduce beginners (including absolute beginners) to the basics of playing the Ukulele. Through this series of workshops you will learn to play up to a dozen chords and half-a-dozen basic rhythms. At You Ukes, we really believe that the best way to learn the Uke is in the company of like-minded individuals and through the medium of learning songs. Throughout this series workshop you will play along with the workshop leaders and your fellow participants, you will work through simple exercises and activities designed to help you develop your uke-skills and you will learn to play up to twenty songs. You can start your journey to mastering the uke with either of our beginners workshops. Once you feel ready, or when you've complete both workshops, you will be able to move onto our Series of Beyond Beginners Workshops.
Each of our nine-week ‘beginners’ workshops consists of weekly one-hour sessions. In each session you will be guided through a series of simple exercises designed to help you develop the skills necessary to play basic ukulele chords and strum simple rhythms. You can bring along your own ukulele or you can hire a ukulele from us for the duration of the workshop.
The workshop will run with a minimum of four participants. However, we have three workshop leaders (all experienced members of the You Ukes Club) so we can accommodate many more. To get the most out of the workshop, we recommend that you also plan to practice playing for at least three or four short sessions between each workshop.
For more information contact us at: you-ukes@btconnect.com. See below to book on the next Workshop.