It’s Always There
Words & Music by David & Shirley Faraday
Verse 1
Living life from day to day,
I feel secure in my own way, it seems to last.
I’m carefree in the life I lead,
Comforted by many things I need and believe.
Chorus 1
But it doesn’t go away, it doesn’t go away.
What I feel is right and wrong’s still there.
The image of people, I’ve never met.
In a world I’d like to influence,
To make some kind of difference, someday
Verse 2
I pack my bags head on my way,
A holiday to get way and relax.
Enjoying time with family,
My friends and those I simply meet, to share, without a care.
Chorus 1 (see above)
Verse 3
This consequential happenstance,
When and where we’re born by chance,
Not knowingly prepared for what we face.
Choices made by those in power,
Random acts, divisive mire.
I just don’t know, what do I, can I, say?
Chorus 2
But, don’t let go away, it mustn’t go away.
What I feel is right and wrong’s still there.
The image of people, I’ve never met.
In a world I’d like to influence, to make some kind of difference,
I’m thinking now, but I haven’t made it yet.
Verse 4
I must recognise reality,
Banish thoughts of fealty,
To lords of hope that never, ever reign.
Challenge ignorance and those in power,
My choice is made, time to aspire,
I’m thinking now, I’ll make a difference yet.
My choice is made, time to inspire,
I’m thinking now, I’ll make a difference yet.

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