The Prettiest Flower

Lyrics by David Faraday.

Music based on the song 'Sippin’ Cider Through A Straw' by Carey Morgan

Verse 1

The prettiest flower, I ever saw,

Grows on a verge, I live next door.

This lovely flower, it is so sweet,
A dazzling sight, down at my feet.

Verse 2

There are some more, along the way,

They make me smile, everyday.
They bring the bees and butterflies,

It seems that nature’s on the rise.

Verse 3

Maybe we can, spread joy and smiles,
If we re-wild for miles and miles.
Make every verge and patch of land,

Teem with flowers, that would be grand.

Verse 4

It’s just the start, I can see more,

Urban farms from door to door.

Polluting cars pushed out of town

And fruit and veg that no one owns.

Verse 5

Community, we’ll all help out
And climate change will turn about.

We’ll breath clean air and watch the birds,
Because our voices have been heard.

Verse 6

The natural world not kept at bay,

Allowed to thrive in every way.

Enjoyed by all, as children play.
Oh, what a dream, let’s start today.

Verse 7

But it might not to be, ‘cause I saw them come
And from their van they got a gun.

The spray was quick, it made me sick,

That lovely flower, replaced with brick.